2024 G-EIGHT 遊戲展

***English Below***


  1. 活動日期:2024/11/29-12/01(五六日)

  2. 活動時間:11:00-19:00(最後進場時間為18:00)

  3. 活動地點:台北花博爭艷館 (台北市中山區玉門街 1 號)

  4. 主辦單位:巨罷娛樂股份有限公司

  5. 活動官網:https://geight.io/

  6. 官方粉專:https://www.facebook.com/geight.fb



  • 單日票 $300元(單日票1張)

  • 一次購買三張單日票 $780元(單日票3張)

  • KKTIX 目前僅提供ATM、信用卡、全家FamiPort 等付款方式。


  1. 單日全票 $300元

  2. 單日優待票 $200元:須出示身心障礙手冊正本或相關證件。

    • 身心障礙者本人及必要陪伴者。陪伴者以一人為限,需身心障礙本人證件「必要陪伴者優惠措施」欄位有註記者。

    • 年滿65歲以上長者。

    • 年滿4歲而未滿12歲之兒童。

  3. 免票標準:3歲(含)以下兒童。須出示相關證件,且須由一位大人持票陪同入場,無證件者以身高100公分以下判定。


  1. 為避免產生不必要之糾紛及權益損害,購買票券前,請先詳閱注意事項並同意規則,如不同意請勿購買。

  2. 當進行購票及退票作業時,將視同您已瞭解並同意遵守以下全部事項。

  3. 主辦單位保留修改活動細節權利,無須事前通知,並有權對本活動所有事宜作出解釋或裁決。


  1. 線上購票:本活動委由 KKTIX 代為處理退票退款事宜,退票時將酌收 10% 手續費。

  2. 現場購票:委由 CAPSULE 代為處理退票退款事宜,退票時將酌收10%手續費後退回現金。

  3. 消費者可請求退票時間為展覽結束前,展覽結束隔天起即不接受退票。電子票以 KKTIX 收到退票要求之紀錄時間為準。

  4. 活動票券視為有價證券,請妥善保管。如發生損失、破壞、毀損或無法辨識等狀況,視為無效票券,恕不補發或退換票券。

  5. 詳細退票相關規定請參考『KKTIX 代理退換票辦法』。


  1. 入場時間:於 2024年11月29日- 2024年12月1日 每日11:00開始入場,活動期間全程皆可入場。每日最後售票時間與入場時間為18:00。

  2. 票券規範:一人憑一票券入場,憑票於入口處核銷後入場,入場當日可憑蓋章進出。活動票券視為有價證券,請妥善保管。如發生損失、破壞、毀損或無法辨識等狀況,視為無效票券,恕不補發或退換票券。

  3. 防疫規定:為配合政府防疫措施,主辦單位得以隨時調整防疫安管要求,也請參與活動的民眾配合。

  4. 動物與車輛:任何人均不得將動物或車輛帶進本場館,但經主辦單位同意者,不在此限。

  5. 政治活動禁止:展場內嚴禁進行任何政治性活動,包括使用視聽設備播放政治性資訊或發放政治性傳單。若有違反,主辦單位有權請離活動現場。

  6. 危險物品禁入: 易燃、易爆及其他危險物品、違禁品禁止攜入展場。如經發現,主辦單位有權強制搬離,並由參觀民眾負擔一切延伸費用及法律責任。

  7. 著裝建議: 主辦單位請參觀民眾著休閒輕便服前來參觀。如有著裝不當情形者,主辦單位有權請離活動現場或禁止入場。

  8. 18禁展區規範: 分級遊戲區為18禁封閉式展區。除經主辦單位認可的媒體及工作人員外,區域內嚴禁攝影及使用任何直播軟體進行直播。


  1. 請遵守參觀秩序,避免發生推擠、踩踏等危險行為,且不可攜帶危險物品。

  2. 主辦單位僅規劃活動內容及遊戲展出,品牌與民眾之交易請直接與品牌聯繫,若產生任何糾紛,主辦單位恕不負責。

  3. 請勿於非主辦單位官方正式授權售票之通路、網站購票,以免影響自身權益,若發生現場無法入場或是其他問題,主辦單位概不負責。

  4. 本活動如遇天災及不可抗力因素而取消活動,將另行公布退票辦法,詳見G-EIGHT官網或官方粉專之公告。

  5. 購票入場代表同意主辦單位於本活動場域內拍攝肖像,並授權主辦單位使用肖像於電子媒體、網頁、網路社群等所有與本活動有關之宣傳上。

  6. 購買本活動票券者同意主辦單位可使用其個人資訊(姓名、電話、e-mail等資訊)寄發G-EIGHT各項活動資訊或其他行銷目的。

  7. 上述事項若有未盡事宜,主辦單位保留活動之解釋權利,活動訊息請上[官網]或FB粉絲團[G-EIGHT]。



Event Information◄

  1. Dates: November 29 - December 1, 2024 (Friday to Sunday)

  2. Time: 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM (Last entry at 6:00 PM)

  3. Venue: Taipei Expo Dome (No. 1, Yumen St., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City)

  4. Organizer: G-EIGHT Co., Ltd.

  5. Official-site: https://geight.io/

  6. Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/geight.fb

Ticket Information◄    

Online Purchase via KKTIX (2024/11/01-12/01) 

  • (1) Single-Day Ticket: NT$300 (1 ticket for 1 day)

  • (2) Purchase Three Single-Day Tickets: NT$780 (3 tickets for 1 day) 

  • KKTIX currently accepts payments via ATM, credit card, and FamiPort at FamilyMart.

On-Site Ticket Booth Purchase (2024/11/29-12/01)

  • (1) Single-Day General Ticket: NT$300

  • (2) Single-Day Concession Ticket: NT$200

    • For individuals with disabilities and one necessary accompanying person (limited to one person). The accompanying person's discount must be indicated on the card.

    • For seniors aged 65 and above.

    • For children aged 4 to under 12 years.

    • Must present the original Disability Identification Card or related documents.

  1. (3) Free admission for children aged 3 and under.

    • must present relevant documents; free admission is allowed only if accompanied by an adult with a ticket. If no documents are available, children under 100 cm in height will be considered eligible for free admission.

Please note that on-site ticket booths do not accept credit cards or mobile payments, only cash. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Ticket Purchase Instructions◄   
  • To avoid unnecessary disputes and potential loss of rights, please read the precautions and agree to the terms before purchasing tickets. Do not purchase if you do not agree.

  • By proceeding with the ticket purchase and refund process, you are deemed to have understood and agreed to comply with all the following conditions.

  • The organizer reserves the right to modify event details without prior notice and has the authority to interpret or make decisions on all matters related to this event.

►Refund Policy◄

  • Online Ticket Purchase: KKTIX is responsible for handling ticket refunds for this event. A 10% handling fee will be deducted upon refund.

  • On-site Ticket Booth Purchase: CAPSULE is responsible for handling ticket refunds for on-site purchases. A 10% handling fee will be deducted, and the remaining amount will be refunded in cash.

  • Refund requests must be made before the end of the exhibition. No refunds will be accepted after the day following the exhibition's conclusion. For electronic tickets, the time of the refund request recorded by KKTIX will be considered.

  • Event tickets are considered valuable documents. Please keep them safe. In case of loss, damage, destruction, or illegibility, the ticket will be considered invalid, and no replacement or refund will be provided.

  • For detailed refund policies, please refer to the 'KKTIX Ticket Refund / Exchange Policy.'

► Entry Guidelines◄

  1. Entry Time: Entry begins daily at 11:00 AM from November 29, 2024, to December 1, 2024. Visitors can enter at any time during the event. The final ticket sales and entry time each day is 6:00 PM.

  2. Ticket Regulations: Each person must present a valid ticket for entry. Tickets will be verified at the entrance, and attendees can re-enter on the same day with a hand-stamp. Event tickets are considered valuable items, please keep them safe. Lost, damaged, destroyed, or unidentifiable tickets will be considered invalid, and no replacements or refunds will be issued.

  3. Health and Safety Measures: The event organizer reserves the right to adjust health and safety requirements at any time in accordance with government regulations. We ask all attendees to cooperate with these measures.

  4. Animals and Vehicles: No animals or vehicles are allowed in the venue unless approved by the event organizer.

  5. Prohibition of Political Activities: Any political activities, including the use of audiovisual equipment to display political information or the distribution of political materials, are strictly prohibited within the event venue. The organizer reserves the right to remove violations from the premises.

  6. Prohibited Items: Flammable, explosive, and other dangerous items, as well as contraband, are not allowed inside the venue. If found, the organizer has the right to remove them, and the attendee will bear all associated costs and legal responsibilities.

  7. Dress Code: Visitors are encouraged to wear casual and comfortable clothing. The organizer reserves the right to deny entry or remove individuals from the premises if their attire is deemed inappropriate.

  8. 18+ Area Regulations: The restricted game zone is a closed-off area for individuals 18 years and older. Photography and the use of any live streaming software within this area are strictly prohibited, except for approved media and staff by the organizer.

► Additional Guidelines◄

  1. Please maintain order while visiting the event to prevent any dangerous behavior, such as pushing or trampling, and do not bring any hazardous items. 

  2. The organizer is responsible solely for planning the event content and showcasing the games. For any transactions between brands and attendees, please contact the brands directly. The organizer will not be held accountable for any disputes that may arise. 

  3. Please refrain from purchasing tickets from unofficial or unauthorized sellers or websites. The organizer will not be responsible for any issues, including denial of entry or other problems, that may result from such purchases. 

  4. In the event of cancellation due to natural disasters or other unforeseen circumstances, refund procedures will be announced separately. Please refer to the official G-EIGHT website or the official Facebook page for announcements. 

  5. By using this ticket to enter, attendees agree to allow the organizer to capture their likeness within the event venue and authorize the use of these images in all promotional materials related to this event, including digital media, websites, and social networks. 

  6. By redeeming this ticket, attendees agree to allow the organizer to use their personal information (name, phone number, email, etc.) to send G-EIGHT event information or for other marketing purposes. 

  7. The organizer reserves the right to interpret these guidelines, and any matters not covered will be at the organizer’s discretion. For more information, please visit the official website or the G-EIGHT Facebook page.

台北花博爭艷館 / 台北市中山區玉門街 1 號

Event Tickets

Ticket Type Sale Period Price

2024/11/01 12:00(+0800) ~ 2024/12/01 18:00(+0800) Sale Not Started
  • TWD$300

2024/11/01 12:00(+0800) ~ 2024/12/01 18:00(+0800) Sale Not Started
  • TWD$260
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